Monday, January 4, 2010

Week 1

One of my goals for this year is to give up Coke...again. I've given it up twice before (once for a year and once for almost 2 years!) I admit it, I am an addict. So, in thinking about my goals, here is a bottle I enjoyed earlier today. LOL



  1. Cool shot! Good luck with your goal of giving up Coke. I'm a Diet Coke addict. There is no way I could give it up. ;-)

  2. Love this angle and the dof. Really cool shot. I am a diet coke junkie.

    Go coke.

  3. Very cool perspective, great shot!! Good luck on giving up coke, I love the stuff, I could never. :-)

  4. Congrats on giving up the Coca-Cola! I have to have my McDonald's fountain cokes every once in awhile :) There is nothing like it.....

  5. i'm on my second day of no coke...not too shabby considering there is a cherry coke in my fridge! lol...thanks everyone

  6. LOVE this! :) I couldn't give up my pop...I get migraines LOL :) Which probably means that I should ha ha ha

  7. Awesome shot!
    I feel the same way, but my vice is Dr Pepper! And there is nothing quite like one out of a glass bottle!!
