Saturday, February 13, 2010

Week 6

I love natural light. The whole mood and feel of a moment can differ just by the way the light changes. We were in our bedroom early this afternoon when I noticed the most yummy natural light coming in from our big window. Aaron got on the floor with Avery to play and I started snapping away. This is one of my faves. Can't you just feel the love between them? :)

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Friday, February 5, 2010

Week 5

Avery has a problem. It's a balloon addiction. It's bad...This was the collection before her nap. While she was napping I assisted them in their demise. I couldn't take another month with them! lol


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Week 4

We got our second snowfall of the year last night into today (it's still coming down). Avery looked so cute all bundled up, and I love the natural light that comes into her room in the morning, so I seized the opportunity. Of course, the snow made the light even more dramatic. Yummy!!


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Week 3

We went to a Book Character Party yesterday and Avery went as her favorite Pig, Olivia. I loved how cute she looked in her outift, but looking at the pictures, it instantly struck me how much older she looks. Even Aaron commented on what a big girl she's getting to be. I also loved that she was actually smiling when I took the pictures (normally she runs!) She was so excited to be going to a party, and to be dressed up as Olivia!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Lately, Avery and I have been reading "Someday" by Alison McGhee. It gets me...every. single. time. If you have a daughter and haven't read it, please do. Just make sure you have a box of kleenex handy! For my 52 week project I decided to use the first page of the book, along with a portrait that was done of Avery and I when she was 1 week old (credit: Tana Minnick). It's hard to believe that was over two years ago.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Week 1

One of my goals for this year is to give up Coke...again. I've given it up twice before (once for a year and once for almost 2 years!) I admit it, I am an addict. So, in thinking about my goals, here is a bottle I enjoyed earlier today. LOL


365 was just too much!

I've wanted to do the 365 project for the last 2 years, but I really don't think I could commit to taking a picture and blogging about it every single day. Then I contemplated the 52 week project. I could definitely do once a week! So here I am. I'll be posting one picture a week for the rest of the year. Enjoy!